STATUS UPDATESIn an effort to better inform customers of significant changes occurring at Thermex Metal Treating, this page will feature updates to ongoing projects every few days. This will include possible production delays, furnace movements and updates, as well as start up notices. |
Removal of pit furnaceSeptember 24 - Out with the old… After many years of service, our large pit furnace (and polymer quench) has been retired and removed from our shop. In its place, we’ll be installing a new pit furnace for carburizing and Q&T work, to handle parts up to 32”OD, 68” long, 1,800 lb. As part of this renewal project, we will be installing an oil quench system, using a fast oil quench to handle to the wide range of part sizes, shapes and material grades that come through our shop. Stay tuned for more updates… Projected impact: No large part capacity for a month. |
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IQ-1 UP AND RUNNINGOctober 12 - The IQ-1 furnace is finally up and running after some delays during re-installation. We have surveyed the IQ and Temper furnaces in this line and are ready to start running more Carburizing and Q&T work. installed for cart movement. This will allow more efficient loading and unloading of part fixtures from the furnaces. It is now expected that this furnace will be operational mid to late October. Projected impact: Increased capacity for carburizing and quench and temper work starting now! |
New Gas Nitrider ArrivalSeptember 26 - The new Zero Flow Gas Nitrider from Seco/Warwick has arrived. This unit was ordered from Poland and just completed the long journey to Edmonton. This new unit will nearly double Thermex's gas nitriding capacity and should help turnaround times on the gas nitriding process. This unit should be operational in approximately 5-6 weeks. Projected impact: 5-6 weeks away from a significant increase in Gas Nitriding Capacity. |
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IQ-1 Getting CloserSeptember 12 - The IQ-1 furnace has tracking installed for cart movement. This will allow more efficient loading and unloading of part fixtures from the furnaces. It is now expected that this furnace will be operational mid to late October. Projected impact: Increased capacity for carburizing and quench and temper work in the next month or so. |
All Lined UpAugust 24 - The Thermex shop has settled some. The additional IQ furnace is in its new home for many years to come. If you look close, you can see the new concrete of the new pits containing IQ-4 and its parts washer. IQ-2 and IQ-3 are still processing as much work as we can put through. IQ-1 is scheduled to be online in another week or so. IQ-4 will be operational in approximately 4 weeks. Projected impact: 4-5 weeks away from a significant increase in Carburizing and Quench and Temper work! |
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IQ-4 DELIVEredAugust 9 - The additional IQ-4 furnace has been delivered. It took two trucks to get the furnace delivered. Thermex is presently moving the furnace into its new home. The holes have been redone to support the new unit, now we have to get the equipment lowered into position. It is expected that this furnace will be operational mid to late September. Projected impact: Increased capacity for carburizing and quench and temper in the next month or so! |
Digging a holeAugust 2 - The Thermex shop is in an uproar with all the changes and furnace movements. The additional IQ furnace ships from Houston today, and should arrive late next week. If everything remains on schedule we should have four operational IQ furnaces by mid-late September. The images show the holes being dug to fit the new equipment. This space used to be filled with Temper furnaces and washers for the IQ lines. Projected impact: IQ-1 and IQ-2 are down for the next week. Expect delays on carburizing and quench and temper work for the next week or so. |
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IQ-1 FURNACE IN PLACEJuly 23 - The existing IQ-1 furnace has been moved into the old maintenance area. It is accompanied by a temper furnace and parts washer. Thermex is expecting to have this furnace up and running in its new location in 2 weeks. Thermex is running the larger IQ-2 and IQ-3 24/7 to accommodate this furnace move. Projected impact: Temporary reduction in flexibility with smaller rush orders for carburizing and quench and temper. |
THERMEX IQ-1 FURNACE MOVINGJuly 19 - Thermex's IQ-1 furnace is being prepped to move into the old maintenance area. This smaller IQ furnace is currently shut down, and will be out of service for 2 weeks during this transition. Thermex is running the larger IQ-2 and IQ-3 24/7 to accommodate this furnace move. Projected impact: Less flexibility with smaller rush orders for carburizing and quench and temper for 2-3 weeks. |
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maintenance area movedJuly 16 - In an effort to create more production space, Thermex has moved its maintenance area to create additional production space. Thermex will be moving an existing IQ furnace into this area. Projected impact: More production space for new equipment. |
THERMEX ACQUIRES IQ FURNACEThermex Metal Treating has invested in an additional internal quench (IQ) furnace to significantly increase Carburizing and Quench & Temper capacity. This IQ furnace will have a greater capacity than any existing IQ furnace in operation at Thermex. To accommodate this high capacity furnace, the Thermex facility is undergoing significant renovations and modifications. |
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